Recruit and engage volunteers

Social Career gives you the tools to recruit and engage volunteers and ultimately helping you to expand your capacity to meet your mission.

Grow your volunteer community

Our innovative all-in-one volunteer management solutionhas you covered throughout your entire volunteermanagement journey. We use data-driven insight tooptimise each step of your organisation's volunteermanagement.

Grow your volunteer community. Social Career
Recruit volunteers. Social Career

Recruit volunteers

Just create a volunteer recruitment post on our SocialCareer app and you will have your positions filled in no-time! Give volunteers the matching experience theydeserve and expect with a beautiful one-pagerecruitment post and a mobile-friendly application.

Increase your volunteer reach

Your new recruitment post will show up on our app and reaches thousands of interested volunteers instantly.

Customise your own volunteer opportunity application form

You decide what information you need from the volunteers when they apply for your volunteer opportunity.

Engage volunteers

User experience is everything. We help you in keeping your volunteers engaged from the moment they sign up for your opportunity until everything is done, offering them the perfect end-to-end volunteer experience, something they will truly appreciate and remember.

Reminders prior and check-in at the start of the activity

Our system will send auto-reminders to volunteers and you can track their attendance using our QR code check-in.

Get feedback from your volunteers via a survey after the activity

Ask your volunteers for some genuine feedback via a survey you design and thank them for their contribution.

Engage volunteers. Social Career
Track volunteer hours. Social Career

Track volunteer hours

Tracking your volunteers' time contribution allows you to boost their retention in continuing supporting your organisation and also recognise your top contributors. Acknowledging and crediting the hours to your volunteers' profiles also shows them your gratitude.

Capture contributed volunteer hours and track their activities

We help you track and calculate each individual volunteer's contributed hours, you only need to acknowledge them.

Credit hours to your volunteer's profile, we call it "Social CV"

Your volunteers will se their contributed volunteer hours in their personal volunteer profile, we call it "Social CV".

Retain volunteers

Returning volunteers are the best. They know your team and have already worked with your organisation before. You have build trust with them and their contributions are becoming better. We will help you in retaining your valuable volunteers.

Keep track of your volunteers' skills, qualification and interests

All your volunteer data are stored in your SRM for whenever you need to look for a volunteer with a specific skillset.

Match your existing volunteers with more engagement opportunities

Our volunteer matching algorithm will do the magic and find the ideal volunteers for your upcoming opportunities.

Retain volunteers. Social Career
Understand your data. Social Career

Understand your data

Focus your time and budget on what's working best with real-time, actionable insights into how your volunteer programs are performing, who your volunteers are and where they find you. Let your data guide you in making even smarter decisions.

Track data points, perform analytics and generate reports

Tracking key data points will allow you to properly evaluate your process and help you stay on track to meet your goals.

Improve volunteer engagement strategy with detailed insights

Discover which volunteer programs works best and why they are attracting the most and passionate volunteers.

Want to know more? Connect with our SRM experts

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