Community Heroes Volunteer Awards Ceremony 2023-2024

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July 18, 2024

In the past year, many individuals, non-profit organizations, and corporations have contributed to the community through diverse volunteer services, bringing positive impacts and changes. As one of the largest volunteer matching platforms in Hong Kong, our vision is to enable greater generosity by leveraging technology and curating opportunities that inspire more people to give. We aspire for volunteering to become a place Where Everyone Gains.

Since our establishment in 2015, Social Career has:
・Partnered with over 1,500 non-profit organizations and social enterprises in Hong Kong
・Provided more than 20,000 diverse volunteer opportunities
・Supported 110,000 volunteers
・Contributed a total of 1,180,000 volunteer hours

We sincerely thank the support from volunteers, non-profit organizations, corporations, and educational institutions, which has enabled us to further promote sustainable volunteering. We couldn't have achieved such amazing results without their support. Thus, we want to recognize these unsung heroes and organizations through the awards ceremony, and express our gratitude for their positive impact on the community.

Community Heroes Volunteer Awards Ceremony 2023-2024

Date: August 31, 2024 (Saturday)
Venue: Ocean Park Hong Kong, The Waterfront, Whiskers Theatre

Inviting 300 Stakeholders to Witness the Contributions Community Heroes

On the day of the awards ceremony, we will invite around 300 participants from diverse backgrounds, including individual volunteers, volunteer leaders, representatives from non-profit organizations (organization representatives, volunteers, and beneficiaries), as well as representatives from corporations and educational institutions.

They will be awarded in respective categories, including:

Promoting Sustainable Volunteer Services

After the awards ceremony, we will collaborate with our community partner, Ocean Park Hong Kong, to organize a park tour activity. Volunteers will join the Ocean Park volunteer team to lead over 200 volunteers and beneficiaries from more than 10 non-profit organizations through the park. Ocean Park has also arranged their veteran volunteer guides to provide guided tours at exhibits.

Participate in the Award by Voting for Your Favourite NGO

Your vote will determine the winner of the Volunteer Choice Award! Which non-profit organization do you think has the greatest impact in the community? Vote for "My Favourite NGO" now to recognize the their work over the past year!

We invite you to vote for "My Favourite NGO" to honour outstanding organisations. Voters will also have the chance to be invited to attend the awards ceremony and visit Ocean Park Hong Kong with the volunteers!

The Vote for "My Favourite NGO" will be conducted in two stages:

Voting Details:
・The public can vote to select their favourite organization through two rounds of voting.
・If the organization you selected is among the top 3 finalists, and you have described the organization's positive impact on the community in the second round of voting comments, you will have the chance to be invited with two of your friends/family members to attend the awards ceremony and visit Ocean Park after the ceremony.

Voting Phases:
・Round 1: July 15 to July 28 (Top 20 finalists)-Completed!
・Round 2: July 31 to August 12 (Vote for the Top 3 finalists)-Ongoing!

Due to a tight vote count, several organizations received the same number of votes. Therefore, we have expanded the top 20 to the top 22 for the round 2 of voting!

Check out the Top 22 and vote now!:

The Top 3 finalists will be announced on August 14, and the final ranking will be revealed at the awards ceremony on August 31!

Stay tuned for the latest updates on InstagramFacebook&LinkedIn.

(Social Career will notify the winners in mid-August regarding their attendance at the awards ceremony and the Ocean Park visit.)

Thank you for everyone’s support!

We sincerely thank Ocean Park Hong Kong and Citybus for supporting the award ceremony as a community and media partner, respectively. We also thank all the volunteers, non-profit organizations, corporations, and educational institutions for their ongoing support.

We hope the Awards will encourage more people to participate in volunteer services, and promote sustainable volunteering, and create positive impacts on the community

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